by David, Stephen, and Lori RoyThis is a truly unique and heartwarming article about a family that is united by a love of running developed by their father. David Roy tells about his running and how ultimately it affected his children and brings them toge…
NC. This one was a little special too since Josh Merlis timed it and made some humorous father
by Jon LindenauerRead about Jon's recent foray into running the Helderberg 2 Hudson (H2H) Half Marathon and how it differed from his other times. Definitely having someone racing a half marathon dressed as a witch for a Guinness World Record is unique, an…
vision and creativity of Josh Merlis and his ARE productions team. Almost everyth
by Josh MerlisOnce again, the Electric City 10K had challenging weather. Josh details how he had to deal with less than ideal conditions to guarantee a great race for the runners and once again he pulled a rabbit out of a hat and the details are bound to …
by Josh Merlis From left…
by Mark MindelOne of the top 10 favorite races of the Capital Region is the Stockade-athon, and Mark Mindel relates how he helped to create the Stockade-athon and ran it for 43 straight times until.... For full article, click here
and have now become a steady bike leader for Josh Merlis and AREEP. Mark with Karen Bertasso
by Christine BishopIt's fun to choose the best Pace Setter articles for 2022 and you can too. Click on the month and all the articles will appear for you to enjoy. Happy hunting. For full article, click here
Josh Merlis…
by Josh Merlis"I began to cry. They were tears of joy for my wife, Michelle Merlis, who was only a few hours from toeing the line as a member of Team USA in the 40K at the World Mountain & Trail Running Championships in Chiang Mai, Thailand." …
by Josh Merlis The humidity seeped through the crack se
by Members of the HMRRCRunners were asked the following question: If money were no object, what running gift for Christmas would you want for yourself or a running partner? Some answers are modest and some go for the gold, but they are all fun. …
Josh Merlis I would hire 3 full
by Christine BishopThis year's Hairy Gorilla thrilla was epic. The weather was planetary, the macabre touches were divine, and the people were chill beyond belief. The result was an epic, magical event. For full article,…
The Untold Truth About the Hairy Gorilla by Josh Merlis Trick…
by Laura Clark"By now most of you know I had a heart attack in early July. It came without warning, although had I been armed with foreknowledge, I could have recognized some of the signs.” For full article, click here
Josh Merlis
with Haiku by Brina SeguineIn case you are wondering what the Fishy Frolic is and its connection to Team Hope, these mysteries will be revealed here with haikus by the Pace Setter Poet Laureate, Brina Seguine, as an added bonus. …
le and female competitors in the 5K race and Josh Merlis dominated the 10K. To follow are Brina