by Shannon PinkowskiShannon relates her first meeting with Coach Dick Vincent and how he changed her life. Under his guidance she ran marathons and then came trail running, the more difficult, the better. Of course, this led to her becoming one of the Esc…
annon Pinkowski In my first meeting with Dick Vincent in 2013 I was a beginner runner and a member…
by Dick Vincent, USATF/I.A.A.F. Level 3/5 CoachWith the heat and humidity upon us, we are all waging the battle against the elements. Running in this weather is a war you will not win, rather it is a treaty you must negotiate ... For f…
by Dick Vincent
by Dick Vincent, USATF/I.A.A.F Level 3/5 Coach"Nearly every runner who has been in this game for an extended period of time will have those who have inspired or influenced them along the way...I have been lucky enough to have had many great influences, bu…
by Dick Vincent
by Dick Vincent, USATF Level 3 CoachIn this edition of Coaches Corner, Dick Vincent advocates the use of using the Rate of Perceived Effort to judge our performance in workouts and races. He feels our addiction to technology and apps have "cost many of us…
Dick Vincent
by Christine BishopThe HMRRC has a banquet each year to bring members together in camaraderie to celebrate the achievements of members of the club who have accomplished outstanding acts either on the race track, as volunteers or to support the efforts of …
Dick Vincent and Brad Lewis
by Dick Vincent"Winter is a perfect time to get aerobic miles and build endurance that will serve as a spring board later in the season when it is time for another phase of our long range training plan..." For full article, click here
by Dick Vincent With winter comes the desire to stay war
by Dick VincentWe are now entering into the coldest part of the year. Dick tells us how not to be intimidated by it and how to prepare and enjoy it. For full article, click here
by Dick Vincent Four seasons does make a year and for ea
by Dick VincentOne of the bigger challenges for today’s runners is to not become intimidated by what they see on Facebook, Strava, or any other venues that athletes use to publicize their workouts. It doesn’t take long before a runner is trying to better …
by Dick Vincent After a good Tuesday Night Track Workout…
by HMRRC runnersFor this issue of The Pace Setter various members of the HMRRC were polled asking if they were running the MHR Marathon or Half-Marathon, how they were preparing and what they were hoping for. If you would like to be included in one of our…
Dick Vincent
by Christine Bishop with lots of help from Michelle!Since our last interview in May with Michelle, she has run more 50K and 50 mile races on her route toward her next goal, the Western States 100. Included is up-to-date news on her and Josh Merlis's runni…
oung and is the brainchild of the incredible Dick Vincent