Pose Description and Benefits: Shoelace pose is a deep hip opener and stretch for the inner thighs, IT band and glutes. It enhances hip mobility, especially external rotation. Most runners will find this pose intense, be mindful and allow your body time to adjust by modifying and exploring the variations described below. Over time and done consistently, this pose will help keep your hips mobile and happy!
How To Practice: Start in a table top position (on all fours with wrists under shoulders, knees under your hips) and place one knee behind the other. Take your heels as wide as is comfortable and sit your hips back between your heels. Bring both sitting bones to the floor. You are looking for sensation in the hips and glutes. Start by keeping your spine upright, the hands can rest on the feet. Overtime, you can add a forward fold by hinging at the hips and bringing the torso over the knees, keeping the sitting bones rooted on the mat. The fold adds a nice stretch for the low back. Hold for several rounds of breath.
Tips: Go slow and ease into the pose. If your sitting bones do not reach the floor or your hips feel very tight, use a block or pillow to rest the seat down. If the external rotation is uncomfortable, try leaving the bottom leg stretched out in front of you. When folding forward, a bolster or pillow on the knees or block under the forehead is an option for support. Never force any stretch to the point of discomfort. Listen to your body and stay connected with your breath.
Sally Drake has been a runner in the Capital District community for over twenty years and is a 200-hour certified yoga teacher. She teaches yoga at The Hot Yoga Spot in Albany at 6:30am on Monday and Thursday mornings and Monday evenings at 7:30pm. Follow her on Instagram @sdrakeyogi for schedule and class details.