Winter Series Race 5: Overview, Results and Volunteer List

by Christine Bishop

Sunday, February 12, could not have been a better day to end the HMRRC Winter Series. The weather was glorious with the sun shining brightly and temps in the 40s. Runners being intelligent people realized their luck and the turnout was phenomenal. It was more than 200% higher than 2022! As I drove to park, the campus was alive with runners buzzing by everywhere prepping for their races. It was an exhilarating sight.

Winter Series 5 was directed by Patrick Lynskey and Ed Hampston.
The three races ran effortlessly and were appreciated by all. A big thank you to them.

Winters Series #5 - 5.5K Results 

Top Ten

10 Miler Grand Prix Results  

Top Ten

20 Miler Race Results-In honor of their epic effort, all racers are listed below

WS5 Volunteers

Bailey, Marey
Bieg, Heidi
Bishop, Christine
Bongiovanni, Marilla
Bors, Audrey
Brady, Drew
Chauhan, Ravi
Cox, Maureen
Darsinos, John
Davis, Bill
Demos, Nick
DesJardins, Makiah
Dunn, Cooper
Ecklet, Danielle
Fiore, James
George, Carolyn Burke
Hallahan, Teagan
Hampston, Edward
Hampston, Jen
James, Sarah
Laing, Nathan
Lee, Jenny
Liotta, Sierra
Lynskey, Patrick
Makosky, Liam
McDonald, Molly
Parisella, John
Reardon, Carol
Redfield, Melanie
Roy, David
Rush, Chris
Silverberg, Steven
Skinner, Kenneth C.
Smith, Dominic
Stern, Zack
Sundeen, Spencer
Wenger, Vincent
Wilson, Abigail
Wright, Michael
Yavondittte, Joseph

If your name was omitted, please click here.

                     38 years ago!

Recently Kevin and Kathy Wilkes gave me their print issues of the Pace Setter from 1980 to 2000. I have been going through them and thought this article about the 1985 Fifth Winter Series 10 Mile Race would amuse you.

Keenan, Wilcox Crush Preston Sled Teams: Stockman edges Caribou Herd

“It was pure as the driven snow, but it drifted a little.”
                                                                      – W.C. Fields

Only the words of a great comedian (with appropriately altered pronouns) could suitably describe the course and conditions for the final races of the winter series. It was terrible. We faced bitter cold, howling wind, drifting show, treacherous footing. But we pressed on to the end, exhausted but triumphant. And that was only to get out to the finish line.

Once there, Race Director Ted Bick, stylishly attired in the 18th century glad rags of the Marquis de Sade, gave us our last minute instructions. He noted that finish cards could be swapped for commitment papers to the Psychiatric Center of our choice. A nice touch.

Putting on the same smile he wears when he springs a pop quiz on his hapless students, Ted gave us a blast on the air horn and retreated to the warm and comfy Phys. Ed. Bldg. For we heroic few, however, it was Miller Time; named not for a sudsy beverage, but for our beloved president, Tom Miller, who proved he had the smarts to be our leader by passing up this race.

The first loop of the two-loop ten mile course was four miles, and the first half of that wasn’t too bad since the wind was at our backs. Sporadic, lousy footing aside, maybe a PR was possible. Coming back, PRs quickly segued into PWs as we hit the wind– or maybe that should be the other way around. In any case, the worst part was the thought that we had to face that gale again on the six mile loop. I don't know whether it helped to know that the second session in the wind tunnel would be the last mile and a half of the race. What was a cheering thought, at least to me, was the fact that I wasn’t running the twenty.

So, who did what? For the men Dale Keenan (59:49), Pat Glover (62:11), and David Schroeder (62:36) took the first three places overall as well as in their 30-39 age division…Among the women, Julie Wilcox (76:24)...Marge Rajczewski (86:14) and Nancy Gerstenberger (90:18)...

A word should be said here in praise of the volunteers. Contrary to rumors, those stiff figures holding orange flags were not ice sculptures created for a university winter carnival. They fooled me at first, and I marveled at how the artists captured the likenesses so well. Two, in particular, really looked like Larry Decker and Anny Stockman– except their faces were blue. Later on, I saw the real Larry and Anny, and their faces really were blue. But seriously folks, the runners really appreciated the job you did under difficult conditions. Thanks, muchly.

Speaking of conditions, I'd like to offer one suggestion for next year. Why not start the races way out on Western Avenue, run to downtown Albany, and take the bus back. It would lick the wind problem, various –uh– restaurants could serve HOT toddies at key points) did anyone else’s fillings fall out at the water stops?), and since it’s a straight course, few if any course marshals would go hypothermic. All this on a basically downhill course, PRs anyone?

Winter Series 2022-2023 Articles - Links

Winter Series 1

Winter Series 1 - Photos

Winter Series 2 - Photos

Winter Series 3

Winter Series 3 - Photos

Winter Series 4 – The Penultimate Contest
Winter Series 4 -

Winter Series 5 - Photos

Make sure to run or volunteer for next year’s Winter Series Races. They are cold, chilling, epic, and fun!!!

Runnin’ of the Green

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Click on picture to register to race or volunteer
Delmar Dash is
Grand Prix Event for those under 40

Bill Robinson 10 K and Grand Prix Masters 10K Championship -
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