by Darryl Caron
The 17th annual Adirondack Sports Summer Expo is back at the Saratoga Springs City Center on Saturday-Sunday, March 18-19 – the first weekend of spring! The FREE admission, high energy show brings Adirondack Sports magazine to life with 200 exhibitors covering running, biking, triathlon, hiking, paddling, health, fitness, and travel across upstate New York. See our exhibitor list below.
You can buy new clothing, gear, products and services; enter to win $10,000 in prizes; enjoy in-booth demos; and bring the kids of all ages for educational, entertaining and fitness activities – including ‘try paddling’ and ‘more kids on bikes’ trainers. Plus, we’ll have healthy lunch, snack and drink options from 9 Miles East Farm & Cafe– and frozen treats from the Ben & Jerry’s food cart.
Beat cabin fever at the Summer Expo and gather with 10,000 like-minded people in an upbeat atmosphere! Join and speak with members of local clubs, sign-up for races/events, set realistic health/fitness goals with our providers, and challenge yourself to try something new. Plan your travel with our destination exhibitors representing beautiful lakes, mountains, communities, attractions and events/races. We’ve been putting the Expo together for four months so please join us to start your summer adventure now!
Capture your Expo energy with friends and family in the Saratoga Photobooth, where you can get a courtesy color print and visit their website for an online version – perfect for sharing. At the Expo entrance, we’ll be accepting donations of non-perishable food items for the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York, so let’s work together to fight hunger.
It’s also St. Patrick’s weekend in Saratoga Springs so come up, enjoy the Summer Expo, and the festive downtown atmosphere with many local shops, restaurants and bars. At the show, pick up Discover Saratoga’s Map & Visitor’s Guide with a 10% off discount card at participating businesses. For those who like to plan ahead, go to: www.discoversaratoga.org/ultimatemap.
The free admission Adirondack Sports Summer Expo runs Saturday, 10am-5pm and Sunday, 10am-4pm. Saratoga Springs City Center, 522 Broadway, Saratoga Springs. There’s plenty of parking in the City Center’s adjacent garage (at reasonable rates), and free on-street parking to help hit your 10,000 steps goal. For more info and our updated exhibitor list, visit: www.adksports.com/summer-expo. For updates on the Summer Expo, follow or like us at: www.facebook.com/adksportsexpos.
If you know of a business or non-profit organization that would like to exhibit, we have a few 8x10 booths and smaller tables available, at affordable rates – and they can get in as late as Friday, March 17.
Don’t worry winter (and Runnin’ of the Green) lovers, you can ski (or run) one day and come to the Expo the other day… We’ve also got you covered this fall with our Adirondack Sports & Northeast Ski Expo – originally the Albany Snow Show, celebrating 60 years! – with 150 exhibitors and 8,000 attendees expected at the Albany Capital Center on Sat-Sun, November 11-12 – so save the dates. In between, I’ll see you at the training runs, races and events this spring, summer and fall!
Thanks as always, for your loyal readership and support of our advertisers and exhibitors. We’re passionate about covering the sweaty, dirty and snowy sports that we all love and do, whatever our age, pace and ability! Your support has made it possible to bring this free magazine and our expos to you for 23 years. Running this business has been the most challenging thing I’ve ever done, but also deeply rewarding because of the people like you who’ve made it worthwhile. As Bruce says, “Someday we’ll look back on this and it will all seem funny…” Look forward to seeing you at the Expo!
RUNNING, BIKING & TRIATHLON – Adirondack Cycling Advocates; Adirondack Foothills Cycling Club; Adirondack Marathon, Half, 10K & 5K; Adirondack Runners Club; Alpha Win Endurance Sports; Bethlehem Triathlon Club; Bike Adirondacks; Bikeatoga; Black Fly Challenge: Adk Gravel Grinder; Capital District Triathlon Club; CDPHP Workforce Team Challenge; CEP Sportswear; Crystal Lake Triathlon; Empire Cycle Fest; Evergreen Bicycle Works; Firecracker 4 Road Race; Fleet Feet Running Stores & Training Groups; Freihofer’s Run for Women & Training Challenge; Good Karma 5K Run/Walk; Great American Bike Tours; Grey Ghost Bicycles; The Hub Bike Shop & Bar/Café; Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club; Human Power Planet Earth Bike Shop; iRun Local Running Store; JDRF Bike Rides; Memorial Duathlon & 5K; Malta 5K & 10K; Mohawk Hudson Cycling Club; Mohawk Hudson River Marathon & Half; Mohawk Towpath Duathlon; MVP Health Care Stockade-athon 15K; P’tit Train du Nord Marathon & Half; Peak 2 Brew Relay; Placid Planet Bicycles; Race the Lake Marathon, Half, 10K & 5K; Revolution Rail: Railbiking Tours; Ride for Missing Children; Roundabout Runners; Schenectady Firefighters’ Run 4 Your Life 5K; Saratoga Mountain Bike Association; Saratoga Shredders Youth Mountain Bike Program; Saratoga Stryders Running Club; Saratoga Triathlon Club; Sasha’s Superhero 5K Run to Help Ukraine; Savile Road Bike Shop; Tour de Cure Cycling Event; Tour de Force Charity Run & Bike Ride; Troy Turkey Trot; TUFF eNUFF Obstacle Course Challenge; Tupper Lake Tinman Triathlon; velofix Albany Mobile Bike Shop; Whiteface Uphill Bike & Running Races; Wilmington Whiteface 100K/50K Mountain Bike Races.
HIKING, PADDLING & SUSTAINABILITY – Adirondack Mountain Club: Albany, Glens Falls-Saratoga & Schenectady Chapters; Adirondack Wilderness Advocates; Albany Bicycle Coalition; Albany Ski Club (year-round adventure); Bass Pro Shops; Battenkill Conservancy; Canton Canoe & Kayak Weekend; Celebrate Paddling ADK; Champlain Area Trails; Champlain Canalway Trail; Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor; Feeder Canal Alliance; Lake George Land Conservancy; Mohawk Valley Hiking Club; Mountainman Outdoor Supply Company; New York Paddlesports Racing Association; New York Forest Owners Association; New York Land Quest; NYS Department of Environmental Conservation; NYS Outdoor Guides Association; NYS Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation: Marine; Northern New York Paddlers; Northern Ridgeline Wilderness Solutions; Schenectady Wintersports Club; St. Lawrence Valley Paddlers; St. Regis Canoe Outfitters; Sustainable Saratoga.
HEALTH, FITNESS & WELLNESS – 9 Miles East Farm & Café; Albany Med: Injury Prevention & Outreach; American Diabetes Association; Arbonne International; Bark Eater Outfitters; Ben & Jerry’s of Saratoga, Benson’s Pet Center; Clark Sports Center; Flutters of Hope: Eating Disorders Education; Goldfish Swim School: Colonie-Clifton Park; Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation; Huff n’ Puff/Renewal by Anderson; In-Step Physical Therapy & Biomechanics; Invisible Fence of NE New York; Jerky Hut; New York Life Insurance Company; NYS Comptroller Office of Unclaimed Funds; NYS Dept of Corrections & Community Supervision; Omentum Project; Power House Athletics & Nut Butters; Prevention Council; Proactive Chiropractic; Regional Therapy Center of Saratoga Hospital; PureAdirondacks.com; Saratoga Springs Lions Club; Saratoga Photobooth Company; Saratoga Regional YMCA; Shizen Handmade Beauty; Southwest Technologies Therapy Products; Times Union/Real Media Solutions; Turning Point Chiropractic; Upstate of Mind Goods & Apparel; WEXT Radio 97.7/106.1; YMCA Camp Chingachgook; Young Living Essential Oils, Saratoga.
RECREATION & TRAVEL – Adirondack Folk School; Adirondack Hamlets to Huts; Adirondack Hub: Southern Essex County; Adirondacks, USA; Brookhaven Golf Course & Park; Camp Catskill; Camp Little Notch; The Car Shoppe; Capital Region Disc Golf Club; Double H Ranch; Edison Club; Elk Lake Lodge; Gore Mountain Ski & Recreation Area; Grassland Bird Trust; Greek Peak Mountain Resort; Hamilton County Tourism: Adk Experience; Lake Champlain Region; Lake George Campsites; Lake Placid Region; Lewis County Chamber; Mohawk Towpath Scenic Byway Coalition; Moreau Lake State Park, Friends of; NYS Canal Corporation; NYS Tourism Industry Association; Newcomb, Town of; North Warren Chamber; Oswego County Tourism; Parks & Trails New York; New York Capital District Ski Council; Professional Golfers’ Association Reach of Northeastern NY; Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism; Revibe Travel: Group Travel Services; Saranac Lake Region; Saratoga Lake Sailing Club; Saratoga Spa State Park, Friends of; Softub Express/Pettis Pools; St. Lawrence County Chamber; Tupper Lake Region: Whiteface Region; Wilton Wildlife Preserve & Park.
This expo has it all!