by Chris Bishop
First, we had the pandemic to keep us indoors and now we have dangerous smoke wafting down from wildfires in Canada making us head to the basement treadmills, ellipticals and cycling machines. The smoke was so intense on June 7 in NYC that skyscrapers and the Statue of Liberty disappeared from view. In fact, NYC became the most polluted city on Earth replacing the normal winners in this dubious category like Delhi and Lahore.
The images were frightening to view and were proof positive that the situation was dangerous.
Click here for time lapse video of NYC disappearing into a smoky haze.
The poisonous air encompassing the East Coast had the following consequences.
Jeanine Pirro, Jesse Watters and Sean Hannity all dismissed the city’s atrocious air quality — caused by wildfires in Canada — and mocked official advice to wear face masks amid the smoke that is expected to last for days.
“While Americans choke on the smoke, the far left smells an opportunity,” said “The Five” co-host Pirro, who turned the haze into an attack on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and her signature Green New Deal.
Pace Setter Survey Question: With air quality being at a dangerous level because of fires in Canada, are you still training outside?
Lauren Scarupa
I decided not to train outside. With all of the air quality warnings, and especially with the running events that were cancelled during the week, I decided I would rather be safe than sorry.
Todd Shatynski
Keeping training inside for AQI >150 for sure.
Dave Glass
No, it's the treadmill for me. Doing a routine, I heard about it from Chuck Terry. Five minutes at a certain speed, then increase by one half mph and repeat.
Meghan Mortensen
Can’t answer that with a yes or no. I did run yesterday morning at 5 a.m. and didn’t have a problem and actually forgot about the smoke. Today I was scheduled to run the Route 50 mile tonight. If it’s still ok, I will run, if it’s not I will take the day off or train indoors. If I currently had a treadmill option, I would definitely use it.
Tom O’Grady
No, it’s not worth risking my health. I’ve been running on the treadmill inside.
Jeremy McNamara
Nope, cycling inside in the basement.
Carolann Koleci
Yes. I run every day outside. With the AQI as high as it is, I have had to alter my plans by either reducing intensity or volume. Unfortunately, no treadmill or gym membership. Concerned about everyone's safety, especially the construction crew and road workers, I have seen doing intensive labor these past few days. Let's hope the 'dust' will soon settle!
Aaron Major
No. A part of me thinks it would probably be fine, but I also figure missing a few runs is no big deal.
Janne Gilligan
Thankfully with just coincidental luck, I’m on a scheduled break this week so I haven’t run at all.
Kelly Virkler
No, I've used the treadmill, rower, and bike trainer in the basement.
Kristen Hislop
No. Today was swimming and cycling inside. Long term health first. I’m sad Route 50 Mile was cancelled, but looking forward to the Freedom Mile. Register here -
Mat Nark
We're in a mellow point of our season where all runs happen to be optional this week. Athletes that do run this week will run either outside or inside depending on their personal preference. Any outdoor running will be scaled from both a volume and an intensity perspective to accommodate the poor air quality.
Athletes with compromised conditions are recommended to run indoors.
Mary Claire Falotico
No, I’m sticking to the treadmill. It is kicking up my asthma and is not worth the long-term damage to my lungs!
Ryan Cooper
Yes, I am. Nothing hard in terms of effort or long durations. If I lived in NYC this would be a different story.
Barbara Sorrell
I am. I wore a mask this morning.
Stephen Tinkler
Treadmill inside this morning
Benita Zahn
Nope!! Into the Y and/or stairs at work
Brina Seguine
I trained outside Tuesday but not yesterday. Not sure about today.
John Sestito
Yes, I am. It won’t stop me. I ran 10 miles outside last night!
Wudu Girma
Not bothered by the bad air quality.
Keith Beck
I have the past two days. I can’t stand long runs on a treadmill. I used two gaiters over my nose/mouth yesterday and didn’t have any issues.
Tom Gabriel
Yes, I’m not too concerned.
The U.S. EPA is providing a wonderful tool to monitor air quality easily any time night or day. It is easy to reach: and add to your bookmarks bar right next to your weather folder. You enter your zip code, and it will immediately display the air quality in your area. In addition, it has information that explains what the data means.
For example, this was the reading for Schenectady on the first day of the crisis and it was the same for Albany.
The chart below expalins what the numbers signify.
This was the chart for June 9, which would seem to indicate that the problem is clearing for the time being.
The smoky air that covered the Northeast is dissipating now and being blown down to the southern region of the United States. Massive assistance from the U.S. is being sent to Canada to help contain the wildfires there. Hopefully this will be successful or else we could have a summer that will be unforgetable but not in a way we would like.
Wildfire Smoke
Smoky Air Disrupts Life in the Northeast
What to know about the Canadian wildfires causing poor air quality in the U.S.
Millions breathing hazardous air as smoke from Canadian wildfires streams south over US
Graphics show how smoke from Canadian wildfires is turning US skies hazy – and hazardous