Freihofer's Run for Women: New Initiatives

by Kristen Hislop

The 45th Freihofer’s Run for Women is just around the corner. As we get closer there will be announcements resulting in a record number of participants. Keep reading to hear about a couple of new initiatives and how you can get involved. 

Poster Contest

Each 5th year anniversary a poster is included with registration. Do you know a middle or high school artist? Share our poster contest with them and maybe they’ll split the $500 grand prize! Middle and high school artists are encouraged to submit a poster design to be considered by April 21, 2023. All the guidelines for poster creation and contest rules are here

Gold Medal Mother Contest

Next up is the Gold Medal Mother contest. Nominate someone in 95 words or less. How do they embody the Freihofer’s Run for Women? As an athlete, she supports women, she empowers others and/or serves her family and our community. You must know a deserving Mom to nominate. Winner gets free entry to the race. 

Capital Kids 3K

This community event extends to the youth of our region. The Capital Kids 3K is a timed event with awards. Kids get a shirt, a box of Freihofer’s chocolate chip cookies, and an extra treat at the finish line this year. To help get more kids to the start line we’ve created the Capital Kids program. Any organization or group can sign up to bring a group to the race. After a team leader registers for the program, they will receive materials to help train kids for the 1.86 mile event. Group leaders can access workout plans, logs, fun exercises and more. Each group can choose to have the kids workout together or on their own. Included are 3 free entries. Groups can offer to kids who might not otherwise be able to run or raffle off to group members. Please help spread the word about the Capital Kids 3K program.

Click here to find out more about the race and to sign up

Kristen.Hislop.jpgKristen Hislop is the Director of the Freihofer's Run for Women and the Clifton Park Freedom Mile. She currently serves as Vice President of USATF Adirondack. In the triathlon world she serves as Secretary on the USAT Triathlon Women's Committee and as a Women for Tri Ambassador. Hislop Coaching offers run, swim, cycling and triathlon coaching to athletes of all abilities and ages. She can be found at, and

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