When and why did you start running?
I started running when I was 36. Two friends coerced me into doing a 5k and then the Firecracker 4. They then wanted to do a 10K. Being the FOMO I am, I was in. That was the one that got me hooked.
What’s your favorite race to date, and why?
Probably the Wineglass Marathon. It was my first marathon, and there is nothing like that feeling of finishing your first marathon. It went perfectly from start to finish, and I finished eight minutes under my goal time.
What has been your biggest running adventure to date?
I did a relay race in Tuscany in 2017. It was absolutely beautiful. Very challenging but something I definitely want to do it again.
What is your approach to training? Do you follow a particular training plan, or do you work with a coach and if so, who?
I have always worked with a coach. I started with Shelly Binsfield. When she moved away I worked with Michelle Merlis. When she stopped coaching I went to Dick Vincent. I like to have someone who guides me so I don’t overdo, and who also holds me accountable.
What is your weekly mileage in peak racing/marathon training season? What is your approach to the off season?
I typically get to 40- 50 miles during peak marathon training. Off season? Hmmm, not sure I have one haha.
During our cold winter days, do you brave poor weather conditions or stick indoors on the treadmill? If you do run outside, what safety measures do you take?
I like cold weather running more than hot. I typically will run outside unless it’s really bad and then I use my treadmill.
List your PRs: Race, time, year
My marathon PR is 3:48:12, obtained in 2021 at the Upstate Classic, my 5th marathon. My half marathon PR was also in 2021, at Mohawk Hudson with a time of 1:47:08
What was your worst injury and how did you get over it?
I got really bad plantar fasciitis after my second marathon in Atlanta. The hills did me in. I worked with Megan James, PT and she was able to get me back to normal.
Your favorite shoe for training and racing
I always wear Asics to train. I wear the latest and greatest Nikes to race.
Ever run in a costume?
Nope. I am definitely not a costume girl.
Do you work with a dietitian to enhance your performance? If so, who?
I am the dietitian that a lot of local runners work with.
What are your favorite pre-race and post-race meals?
The night before a marathon I like to have pasta for carbs, chicken for leucine, spinach for nitric oxide release and beans for calcium and magnesium. And it’s good. I usually want pizza afterwards.
What activities do you enjoy when not running?
I enjoy yoga, lots and lots of yoga. I also hike.
What challenges / races / adventures are you planning for the coming year?
I plan to do one instead of two marathons. Not positive which one yet. I would like to get a 5K PR as well.
What is the greatest piece of advice you've ever received in the sport?
Michelle Merlis convinced me to slow down my easy runs, and boy does that help preserve your energy for more quality speed sessions and faster races.