by Ravi Chauhan
As the new HMRRC president, I want to thank everyone for their support through this transition period. As I take the reins from Jessica Northan, who did a heroic job at keeping the club going through the pandemic, I thank her. I’m anxious to build upon the 50+ year tradition of volunteerism, friendship, and healthy competition. It’s the sense of community that drives me to keep the club running as smoothly as it does. From each volunteer manning a water stop, to the race directors putting on exceptional events, to the committees evaluating grants, to scholarship recipients and to club runs, all the way up to the board members overseeing operations, I’m always grateful for how many hours you put in to support our running community.
Our recent fall schedule was very successful in that we were finally able to hold races we’ve all come to love. It was good to see familiar faces at the MVP Marathon and Stockade-athon, and I was finally able to attend my first Just Run meet with my son, Div, who was competing in the 800 meter trail run.
The new year brings opportunities for us to come back even stronger. With new runners finding the sport over the last couple years, we need to make sure they are able to enjoy the camaraderie that the club brings and the benefits membership provides. You probably know them, sneaking in a run between team meetings over lunch.
My focus for 2023 will be engaging with our current partners to expand our reach through marketing and community engagement. I want new runners to find that sense of community that my wife, Liz, found when she was new to the area and met her lifelong friends through club races and training at group runs. We have a number of challenges, and I’m sure we can all come together to face them.
Happy running and hope to see you Sunday at Winter Series 1!
Ravi Chauhan
President, Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club