Which Race to Choose?

by Brina Seguine

There were so many races on the weekend of October ten.
Runners were thinking; which one and when?
They knew they should race: it was surely a sign.
All these races at once!  Wow, did the planets align!
Oh boy!  Oh geez!  I would be filled with glee!
 If I ran the Hudson Mohawk River Marathon/ Half Marathon in Albany.
Or maybe I should travel through New York and go west.
The Boilermaker 15K in Utica could possibly be the best.
Maybe there’s another race that’s a better fit.
Possibly the Hartford Marathon that’s in Connecticut.
Oh but my heart would be filled with joy.
If I ran the Chicago Marathon in Illinois.
But there’s another race that’s the same distance as this.
It’s the Boston Marathon located in Massachusetts.
Wow!  So many races!  Choices galore!
Feels like I’m a kid in a candy store!
As for me people may wonder; did I give one a go?
Sadly for me the answer was no.
For me I love running it would have been fun.
To start at one of these races at the sound of the gun.
However for the future I have no fear.
I can always run one of these races next year.

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