by Ed Hampston
This week, the Club made the decision to cancel the remaining races on the calendar for 2020 including the MVP Stockade-athon, the Turkey Raffle Run and the Doug Bowden Winter Series #1. Between venue restrictions, additional requirements for holding an event, continued unknowns about size restrictions, and with potential impacts of the season on the pandemic, we will not hold the events. The Club has organized a virtual Stockade-athon 5K/15K race (see Hudson Mohawk Road Runners Club - 2020 MVP Health Care Virtual Stockade-athon 15K and 5K to register and for details).
With regard to race planning for 2021, HMRRC typically would be finalizing the calendar for next year, but is not sure of the status for early 2021. At this time, we have elected not to hold our Winter Series #2 Race (aka the Hangover Half Marathon and the Bill Hogan 3.5M Run) normally held on New Year’s Day. Due to venue restrictions, the remaining Winter Series races are in limbo, but the Club is looking at several options for locations and considering some virtual or modified races. We are working hard to find a safe and manageable way to host some events during the normal Winter Series Season.
While there remain many unknowns, the Club is working on the remainder of our race calendar for 2021 and hope to hold most of our traditional events in a similar window as in past years. Thank you for your continued patience as we work through these difficult times; we plan to have some additional updates as soon as possible.
If you are interested in helping with our race calendar and events and have ideas for race management during these times, please email our VP of Racing Events and Race Committee Chair, Ed Hampston at eddolfan@yahoo.com.
Stay safe and healthy and best wishes,
Ed Hampston
Race Committee Chairperson