by Jim Gazzale
The 24-hour news cycle is horrifying, the uncertainties of today are driving anxiety through the roof, and your refrigerator is only a few feet away.
Stress eating is far too common without COVID-19, so if you’re feeling even more overwhelmed and calming your nerves with food just know that you’re not alone. Know too, that it’s not a sustainable way forward to constantly suppress your feelings with comfort food.
Here’s how you can move past the stress eating and ultimately eliminate it altogether:
Raise your hand if you’ve stress ate over the past few weeks. I know my hand is going up in the air. You’re not alone and it’s OK. Here’s a bonus tip if you’re wanting more strategies to prevent overeating and weight gain while working from home and homeschooling your kids: take advantage of the free virtual coaching and training from SENS Fitness. There’s a new video on nutrition, motivation, and mindset each day plus training plans, accountability, Zoom workouts, and all the support you could ever need to continue making progress toward your goals, even during this pandemic. It’s totally free to join!
Food for Thought Archive
The Importance of Protein for Endurance Athletes
The Importance of Carbohydrates for Endurance Athletes
The Importance of Dietary Fat for Endurance Athletes
Eat the Right Amount for Your Goals
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The Stress-free Guide to Eating Well During the Holidays
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