Kim with Shalane Flanagan
I run for fitness, friendship, and the feeling of accomplishment I get after every run.
Des linden, Shalane Flanagan, Meb are inspiring to me. Locally, Anny Stockman sets such a wonderful example. There are no obstacles to our love of running. Just keep doing it.
What was your worst run?
Boston 2013. I wasn’t able to finish because of the bombing.
Mohawk Hudson River Marathon. It was my first and fastest marathon. That’s when I really caught the marathon bug!
What races were you training for before COVID-19 struck?
Helderberg to Hudson Half and the Mohawk Hudson River Marathon.
Why do you run?
I run because it’s a daily opportunity to make myself a stronger person, physically, emotionally, and mentally.
Bernard Lagat and Herb Elliot are my running idols.
What was your worst run?
My worst run was a hill workout my junior year of high school after my friends and I made a McDonald’s trip for Shamrock Shakes – still don’t know how I survived that.
What was your best run?
My best run would be a hill workout I did with my coach towards the end of the Cross Country season my senior year of high school. The hill has a higher grade than any hill in the Tour De France and so we used it for our hardest workouts. We would do 800m repeats on it. I used to average roughly 2:45 for the half mile repeats, but on my last rep that day, I went 2:29. I’ll never forget how unstoppable I felt that day.
Tie between Boston and NYC Marathon.
Why do you run?
I run because I grew up playing sports and I find staying active makes me happy. Also staying healthy and showing my girls you can do anything you put your mind to.
What runner inspires you?
Don’t really have one.
What was your worst run?
I have some bad training runs, but never a bad race because I am just happy to be out running.
What was your best run?
So far, the 2016 NYC marathon, because my husband and I ran it together and were able to share it the experience. We did the NYC 2019 and it felt like a completely different race. Now we run our own times.
What races were you training for before COVID-19 struck?
I was training for Boston and am still training for Boston since I think I will do the Boston Virtual for fun.
What race is on your bucket list?
I would love to go to Hawaii and run a race there. Also, to complete the Abbott World Marathon Majors (which won’t be for a long time), would be a dream.
Ed. Note:
The Abbott World Marathon Majors is a series consisting of six of the largest and most renowned marathons in the world: Tokyo, Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago, NYC. So far 6,600 runners have done this!!
Why do you run?
I run because I can! Back in 2012 I had minor heart surgery and for a while I couldn't run and from then forward, I've tried to keep my health and abilities in perspective. I run because the sense of accomplishment is high after every workout, regardless of the effort and distance. I run because it is a form of community and social interaction, which I think is hard to find as an adult. And finally, I run because I like to always be working toward a goal.
What runner inspires you?
Honestly, I'm inspired by so many local runners! Not necessarily the speediest ones, but the ones who keep showing up season after season and progressing, whether they are tackling new distances or terrains. But if I were to pick one person who I watch via social media, that would be Brigid Pickett. She is one bad-ass mother trail runner!
What was your worst run?
I've sat on this question for a couple of days now and can't think of one. Like the saying goes, I've never regretted a run, only the ones I didn't show up for. Not every run feels good but apparently not horrible enough to make a lasting impression. I do have a least favorite race but that's a whole other question...
Being 22 weeks pregnant, I've been pretty happy with every run I've set out to do lately. I'm currently training for the Helderberg to Hudson Half and am going to continue to do so until race day, whether or not I actually get to toe the line. Last weekend I had 8 miles on the schedule and put it off for as long as I could. Within the first mile, I almost called it quits. I had to pee (already!) and was out of breath... but the sun was shining and I convinced myself to stay out, if at the very least to walk for 90 minutes. Well, I ended up running more than walking and did reach 8 miles! Might have been my slowest 8 miles ever but golly was I proud of myself.
Why do you run?
Running keeps me motivated.
What runner inspires you?
Ones who make me want to be faster.
What was your worst run?
My worst was the Helderberg to Hudson Half Marathon. I should have trained more!
What was your best run?
The Boilermaker 15K because they have the best spectators!
What races were you training for before COVID-19 hit?
5K Memorial Day race.
What race is on your bucket list?
The Stockade-athon 15K. I hope it will be run this year.
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