by Brad Lewis
I was ready to race the New Bedford Half in preparation for the 2020 Boston Marathon when the COVID-19 cancellations started rolling in. We were one week away! At the time, the organizers of Boston were promising it would go on without a hitch. I kept training. Then, the New Bedford Half was canceled. My coach, Bob Irwin, adapted my pre-Boston race simulation to Runnin’ of the Green in Rotterdam. Then that was cancelled. Still thinking Boston was happening, I decided to time trial. Finally, Boston was postponed until September. I had worked up to 60-80 mpw for the past 4-5 months and here I was, with no goal race.
Last year was a similar situation. I was set to do Boston 2019 and then my daughter’s due date was uncomfortably close. So instead, I registered for the Helderberg to Hudson Half. I picked up my packet on Thursday afternoon and was ready to go for Saturday. Wouldn’t you have it, my daughter was born on Friday so of course I missed the 2019 Helderberg to Hudson and the Boston Marathon. Let’s just say I’m getting fairly frustrated training so hard without being able to compete.
At this point Boston is being run virtually. I believe it is smart and that gatherings of any large size are just plain concerning. I am seriously considering it. It will be fun running a virtual marathon and getting the finisher medal as well as race gear. Here is the catch -- my wife and I are pregnant again and my son is due August 23rd. The virtual race is to be completed any time between September 7 and 14. So luckily for our family, I’ll try to sneak out of the house for a 3-hour run with a 3-week-old and a 1.5 year old at home! Wish me luck.
Training during this COVID-19 pandemic has been very challenging. I have cut back on training and gained about 10 pounds. I was also having some tightness in my left calf and a heel spur and needed some time to heal. My wife had been sacrificing so much in the mornings so I could get in 6-8 miles every morning so I decided I would cross train and let her rest.
I have enjoyed the cross training but I am also itching to get back to running. This week I was able to work up to about 20 mpw. I am ready to get back to it and I am seriously considering running the Boston Virtual Marathon. I should probably text Bob Irwin and let him know I’ll need a schedule to get going soon.
Boston Virtual Marathon, here I come! Maybe!
Brad Lewis Archive
Willow Street Sweeps the Runnin’ of the Green
The 10 Mile Clove Run in Castleton
The Willow Street AC Cleans Up at the 40th Annual Bridge of Flowers Road Race