Distinguished Service Award Nominations

Each year, the members of HMRRC have the opportunity to nominate and designate a fellow club member for their Distinguished Service to the club. On June 7, the 2020 designee will have the distinction of having the Distinguished Service Race run in their honor.

                                  2018 Winner Barb Sorrell (second from left) with friends

Contrary to what some may think, this is NOT a popularity contest.  The persons who have been designated in the past have provided many, many hours of hard work and dedication to HMRRC.  That is the sole criteria -- volunteer effort put forth on behalf of the club.  Much of this work is behind the scenes, but it is essential in allowing the club to fulfill its many goals.  Distinguished service may be working finish lines at races; serving on the Board of Directors; chairing a committee; directing a race, or all the other countless jobs/duties that need to be performed in order for our club to function and do the great things that it does.   The person’s standing is in the running community in general may be relevant, but it is secondary to the efforts put forth for HMRRC.  The award has been handed out to worthy volunteers since 1972. 

For a complete list, click on the picture above.


Voting on the nominees is held at the April Board meeting, and you must be present and a member in good standing to vote. As a member in good standing, you also have the option of designating a person for this most distinguished of all honors that HMRRC confers on its volunteers – the heartbeat of this club.  To nominate, complete the attached nomination form and submit it to JessicaNorthan@hmrrc.com at or before the club meeting on March 11.  You should be prepared to come to the board meeting on Wednesday, April 8, at 7:30 p.m. to present your nomination and to vote for your nominee.

Click here for Nomination Form
Email or mail nominations must be received by 03/11/2020
or in person at the March 11th monthly club meeting.

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