Why do you run?
Ok. So, I run because I was 25 with no healthy hobbies and my parents suggested I get one. Running became that hobby. Now I've been running for about 5 years.
What runner inspires you?
The runners that inspire me would be Usain Bolt, and my Dad. My Dad is 58 and is getting faster, stronger, and just has a blast while doing it. They inspire me to be the best runner I can be.
What was your worst run?
My worst run was a Hairy Gorilla Half. I was doing well until mile 7, and I started over heating from wearing too much to avoid getting cold. I was also dressed as Spider-Man. So I tried to shed a couple layers to get back to the race. I did this and lost my watch. So I had to run a mile back to get it. By the end of the race I had done an extra 2 miles, mentally beat myself up and finished 20 minutes behind my goal. Major wardrobe malfunction, but I learned a lot from that race! Dress Light!!!
What was your best run?
My best run so far would probably be last year’s Turkey Troy (2019). I had a really good year with PR's and just becoming a better runner overall. I was skeptical of beating my PR that day though. I guess I was more focused on just enjoying the race and doing my best and just accepting whatever time I got. I managed to run negative splits the whole race. My second fastest or fastest mile the last mile. I can't remember. I beat my PR by 2 minutes. My new PR was 42:36 and I was so happy with all the progress and enjoyed the rest of the holiday!
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
My #1 race on the bucket list is NYC marathon. I want to run all the big name marathons, but NYC is special. I'm a New Yorker so that one is the big one for me. I'm excited for the day I get to qualify and run in that venue!
What shoes do you train in and race in?
I run in a lot of different Nikes. Currently I train in the Nike Vomero 14 and Nike Pegasus 37, and the Vomero 13. Lots of shoes. I race in the Pegasus and my Salomon S-lab 2s. I enjoy my trail racers too.
What is your fastest mile?
My fastest mile is 5:45. I ran that a couple years ago in a 5k. I need an updated one though. Not sure what I can do now with Michelle Merlis as my running coach. She's helping me elevate my running on a whole new level!
Any race day charms or rituals?
My race day charms would definitely be my Dad, family, or friends. They all just motivate me to be better and I think they help the adrenaline flow on race day.
Is there a snack you crave after runs?
As for race day snack or food I crave. Hmmm I think a good steak is the most rewarding. One time we ran the Escarpment trail and were just done. We had steak after that, and it was one of the best meals ever. Brought me back to life for sure that day. I feel like I always have a huge meal after a race. I wonder why haha.
Why do you run?
It frees my mind. I come up with some great ideas while I run. Plus it allows me quality time with important people in my life.
What runner inspires you? Right now I would have to say both of my boys. They have been focused and strong through this whole COVID nightmare. I love that they are excited to get out and run. While they have been training a lot they also take recovery days and focus on balance.
What was your worst run? I would have to say probably the Wineglass marathon a few years back. I qualified for Boston, but I tried just swishing gatorade versus drinking anything! Yup that works short term, but not in a marathon! I swore to my boys I would never do another marathon (around mile 20) and then of course went on for a few more.
What was your best run? I've had a ton of great runs. I guess being an optimist helps. I never come back from a run saying I'm done. There is always something great, cool, fun that happens in each run.
What race are you currently training for?
Well I had a ton on the calendar for 2020 and now that has all transitioned to 2021 - which was supposed to be the year of Jack (he graduates from HS in 21). I am doing the virtual Boston in September for fun (which no one says about a marathon).
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
Hmm - that is a tough one. I guess I better get working on a bucket list.
What shoes do you train in and race in?
I train in a variety of Hoka models, some Nike and Newton. It really depends on the distance and terrain for my shoe choice.
What is your fastest mile? I only ran the 800 in HS, so my fastest mile was just a few years ago at 6:04. Still want to go under 6.
Any race day charms or rituals?
Not really.
Is there a snack you crave after runs?
I am unlike most runners. I can eat anything after I run (and a wide variety before). I definitely tend to go to salty in the summer. I absolutely love any race with ice cream at the finish!
Why do you run?
I don't know exactly. I like the routine. I like the challenge of self coaching, learning as much as I can, and trying to get better. I like the feeling of just nailing a perfect race.
What runner inspires you?
I've been inspired by a lot of runners over the years, but Desi Linden is my favorite. She's steady, consistent, and tough as nails. I'd love to sit down and have a beer or glass of whiskey with her.
What was your worst run?
I've had a lot of those! I'd probably go with the 2017 Boston Marathon. I had family come from all over the country and I dropped out at mile eight.
What was your best run?
2015 Boston Marathon. Training leading up to the race went perfectly and I executed an almost perfect race plan, which almost never happens in the marathon.
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
Probably Boston. I still have a score to settle with that course.
What shoes do you train in and race in?
For training, the past few years I have been running in the Brooks Launch. For racing, I really like the Skechers Razor 3 and now the Saucony Endorphin Pro.
What is your fastest mile?
I was never a good miler. I ran 4:53 in high school and haven't come remotely close since.
Any race day charms or rituals?
I like to get to races super early so I don't have to rush. I usually need a good warm-up or I'll run poorly. I usually crinkle up my race bib before I pin it on. Before a marathon I listen to Pink Floyd “Comfortably Numb" at very high volume.
Is there a snack you crave after runs?
Beer. Any kind will do.
Why do you run?
While I run to keep in physical shape, it is also to keep stress levels down! I am a slightly anxious person so running keeps this at bay!
What runner inspires you?
While many of the elite runners inspire me I would have say that the group of friends that I train with inspire me the most! They are always there for me whether it’s a good workout or an awful one!
What was your worst run?
My worst run was the 2015 NYC marathon. I did not have a coach at the time so didn’t know much about fueling or hydrating. The day before the race I totally over-hydrated and at mile developed terrible cramps in my quads due to lack of sodium in my system. Lesson learned!
What was your best run?
My best run was NYC 2018 - after a few years with a coach and a friend that ran with me I was able to run a great race and grab a PR!
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
I was training for London but that’s on hold right now so will look to run a good race at Freihofer’s in June and then start training again for London!
What shoes do you train in and race in?
I train in either New Balance 1080s or Saucony Triumph.
What is your fastest mile?
My fastest mile is 6:30
Any race day charms or rituals?
On race day I carry two charms that very dear friends gave me. One is a charm of St. Sebastian and the other is a butterfly.
Is there a snack you crave after runs?
I wouldn’t say I crave any one thing in particular after runs but typically make a protein shake with fruit and yogurt.
Why do you run?
Taking up running was my response to middle-age; there was stress and grief over my mother’s failing health and eventual passing, and a realization that youthful metabolism was fading in the rear-view mirror. Running held the potential for an enduring healthy lifestyle and a competitive outlet for someone who had never been much of athlete. It was approachable and natural.
Along the way I discovered the camaraderie of the running community. These days with the psychological and social pangs of the pandemic, along with the vicissitudes of aging, it’s not always fun and it’s not always easy, but it’s still worth doing.
What runner inspires you?
My wife Debbie was the original runner in our family (she was part of a UAlbany team in one of the first Albany Man-y Han-y races in the late 1970s). The venerable Bob McFarland, a long-time pillar of HMRRC, guided me through my late start at running (I was in my late 40s) and continues to be a role model. When I need guidance I still go back to Larry Shapiro and “Zen and the Art of Running”.
What was your worst run?
Probably the San Antonio Rock & Roll Half Marathon. I’d trained for a half-marathon beach race in Texas that got canceled, so I switched over to the San Antonio race. It was hot and hilly. In spite of trying to stay hydrated and keeping electrolytes in balance, by mile 11, I was stopped in my tracks by leg cramps. Eventually I was able to get moving enough to walk to the finish, but it was definitely no fun!
What was your best run?
I had a number of satisfying races from a performance standpoint when I was in what I think of as my peak form through my 50s, but that seems like ancient history now. As an auto racing enthusiast the sprint duathlon in 2015 at the Circuit of The Americas Formula One track in Austin will always be a special memory; I won my age group by default, but if it had been ten year groups instead of 5, I still would have finished second, ahead of younger competition. For sheer exuberance and ambiance there’s nothing like the Round-The-Island Relay Race that circles St. Maarten/ St,Martin in the Caribbean.
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
Right now at age 70 I just look forward to the day when running events might get back to being like they were before the plague: hugging friends, lining up shoulder to shoulder for the start, running with a pack ,and celebrating afterwards. That would be good enough for me,
What shoes do you train in and race in?
I wear Newton Kismets. I adopted them a number of years ago to try to overcome heel-striking. I still wear down the heels at a faster rate than I’m happy with so I can’t say they’re the perfect solution, but I’m too old to change ;-)
What is your fastest mile?
In 2004, at age 54, I ran the Montcalm Mile in Ticonderoga, in 5:51. I suspect a downhill start helped my pace.
Any race day charms or rituals?
I’m mostly a 5k runner in local races. My morning routine is a small glass of orange juice and half a banana, a warm shower to loosen up, and then a to-go cup with either chai or green tea to drink on the way to the start.
Is there a snack you crave after runs?
I have to be mindful of my carbs, but half a bagel (pumpernickel or cinnamon raisin) after a race is an allowable special treat.
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