Running in the Shadow of COVID-19

by HMRRC Members

John Pinder

Gyms are closed? Social distancing? Toilet paper shortages? Most runners already prefer the great outdoors, and toilet paper is often a luxury at crowded sporting events and isolated trail runs alike. Although this public health crisis is very serious business, the best thing for a runner might be to keep running. Governor Cuomo shut down public events, but he waived the entrance fees to public parks. Until that changes, I am hitting the trails. Fresh air and moderate exercise are great for the immune system. It’s important to respect all the new safety precautions, but don’t neglect Mother Nature. She is still accepting visitors.

1-BrinaSeguineFinal.jpgBrina Seguine

I usually run and do workouts on my own. So, that hasn’t really changed much since the epidemic began. However, it’s been harder to vary the supplemental strength training since the gyms have closed. For example, I do use 5 and 10 lb dumbbells to work on my arms and legs and still do ab workouts. However, I am not sure if I am targeting the arms and legs from all angles since I am not able to use weight lifting machines. The worst part is I recently went to an ARE meeting and was able to see everyone again after not seeing them for a while. After seeing the team, I was really pumped to do some road races with them and even signed up for the Run 4 Your Life 5K in Schenectady. However, all of the road races are either postponed or cancelled at the moment and that is a little disheartening. Still keeping up the faith and continuing to run though!

Brian Northan

"One week ago I had to make the decision to cancel the annual Runnin' of the Green race. On Wednesday March 11th we discussed the "potential" that we "may" have to cancel it, but did not reach a final decision. Things escalated so fast after that... literally 12 hours later the NBA, NHL, and MLB seasons were suspended, major races cancelled... it seemed obvious to me at that point Runnin' of the Green should be cancelled so I disabled registration and sent out a notice. A few hours later the school called to announce that they were closing to outside groups anyway... the next day the schools were completely closing.  As of today, Thursday March 19th, they are discouraging even groups larger than 10 people. Hard to digest it all."

                          John Sestito with Bill Bean

John Sestito

Now in all the craziness and heartache going on throughout the world amidst the Covid_19 pandemic, the world is in chaos with people losing jobs, schools closing, and lives being turned upside down. I feel exercise and especially running is a good stress reliever. I know social distancing is important to stop the spread of the virus. I am still out doing my normal 30 to 40 mile a week of running. In most of my 37 years of running I have run alone, except when I would train for a big race or marathon. It is nice to train with other people. I have done a few group runs in the past few weeks using social distancing. I enjoy being with other runners who are passionate about the sport as I am and it makes the runs more enjoyable and go by faster. Hopefully, this will be over soon and we can get back to our regular life and our races and the comradery that defines the running community.

Stay healthy everyone and get out and Run!

Nathan Laing

As some of us settle into working remotely, we need running for the mental break and fresh air that the body needs year round and in the current situation. In times like these, I am grateful to have a team who I can check in on and follow, and in turn hopefully continue to motivate each other while apart, yet together. Running is a cumulative sport, each step we take counts, so make this circumstance count towards you. It is all right to take things easy if you need to and then take runs to maintain fitness for the future when this has passed.

Jeffrey Mullen

Sorry for the delay in response as my last 72ish hours has been interesting. I work for utility in the state and as a result of the virus I was tested and am now being sequestered on site. I still can run, although the confined area that I'm in leaves that a little difficult, at least for the time being. This is a very interesting time were living in and I'm trying to keep as much mental track as I can as I feel like 10 or 20 years from now it will really be something to look back upon. I sincerely hope you and your loved ones are safe.

Allison Konderwich

We were supposed to be spending the morning driving to DC for a weekend of marathoning and funzies, but given the circumstances, we had a change of plans! Instead, I spent the morning running my longest run ever— 50K (31 miles)! I felt great, enjoyed the fresh air and alone time, and loved seeing my pit crew around mile 25! Now I’m requesting to be fed and carried around until bedtime (which may be at 7pm).

Megan Harrington (right) and Jessica Bashaw  (left)

Ran a 5k time trial in 20:26 (6:30 pace!) while keeping an appropriate 6’ distance from my running bud. This was unofficial and on the track, but it’s still the fastest 5k I’ve run in about 10 years. My road 5k PR is 19:55 (July 2010) and my track 5k PR is 18:52 (April 2007 #youth!). Small victories, right?

On the one hand, running fast or long feels kind of pointless right now. I’m honestly skeptical that Fall races will even happen. But! On the other hand? Maintaining a rhythm and setting personal challenges seems to be good for my mental health. Everyone is processing this differently and for some runners, that might mean taking a break. Who knows- maybe that will be me tomorrow or next week. But for today, it felt good to channel my anxiety into something kinda productive.

I think I want to run a 1-mile time trial next - who’s in?

Running may help you get through this!

This is exactly how running Effects your Immunity

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