Why do you run?
I really like the competitive side of running. Chasing times and personal goals and competing with friends and rivals. That’s what gets me out the door each day.
What runner inspires you?
I can list several, but my immediate thought is Pat Glover. When I was running my best times in my mid twenties, he was involved in so many running events behind the scenes for both HMRRC and USATF and never once looked to be in the spotlight. We also ran very similar personal best times as runners.
What was your worst run?
I once did a 2 hour long run around roads near the Pine Bush with Jim Sweeney and ran out of gas. I told him to keep going at his pace and I would meet him back at his house, only I took several wrong turns on the way back and made the run into a 3-hour nightmare. Steve, Jim’s dad, packed me in ice and gave me a huge Gatorade when I returned and had me lay on his armchair to get back to life. I may have thrown up as well.
What was your best run?
Easy one: winning the 2011 Mohawk Hudson River Marathon, a goal I set in high school. I was nowhere near my best shape but ran smart and negative split the second half of the race, coincidentally collapsing into Steve Sweeney’s arms at the finish line as my legs gave out.
What races are you training for?
None currently, just training to keep a baseline of fitness for when these crazy times are over and races begin again.
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
I’ve run enough races locally and out of town that I guess I don’t have a bucket list race. I enjoy the history of local events and seeing where I am now against past years.
Why do you run?
I run because I sincerely love how it makes me feel. I am able to consistently maintain a positive mindset, challenge myself physically and enjoy the company of the running community.
What runner inspires you?
There are so many. I run with Willow Street. Each and every woman inspires and motivates me to be the best version of myself. It’s not always to be the fastest. We all support each other to make running a lifetime sport. There are many different abilities but at the end of the day, we are all working hard, encouraging one another and celebrating life together.
What was your worst run?
The first race that comes to mind is ADK 5k in Lake George this past September. I was coming off a respiratory infection and I tried to push through it. I realized mid-way that it wasn’t going to be easy. I slowed down, crossed the finish line and didn’t give up. Without your “bad” races you don’t have your “good” races.
What was your best run?
Honestly, there are so many but with everything going on in the world today some of my best runs have taken place within the past week or so. I put on my running shoes, grab my watch and use it as a form of moving meditation when I’m out by myself or with my dog. If I’m running with friends, it’s also a nice escape from reality for a bit and a way to be social (keeping my distance) and catching up with people.
What race are you currently training for?
I was training for the Runnin’ of the Green, Schenectady Firefighters Run 4 Your Life 5k, and Helderberg to Hudson Half Marathon but given the current situation, these races are either canceled or postponed. I always say I am training for life.
Why do you run?
I run to stay in shape and create new challenges that I can conquer, with each race. I also love the social part of running. There are a lot of friendly runners and running opportunities in the Capital District.
I was never a runner growing up. I took up running in 2012 when my office was in dire need to recruit runners for the Workforce Challenge Race. The Helderberg to Hudson blog features how I began my running journey (http://helderbergtohudsonhalf.com/blog/2019/koleci-vasil/).
What runner inspires you?
Honestly, I don’t have a favorite runner. Every runner I see out on the pavement or trail inspires me. I always get excited when I see other runners pounding out the miles.
What was your worst run?
I never really consider any run to be bad. As long as I get out and try, that is all that matters to me. I will say the most challenging race I did was two years ago, at the CDPHP Workforce Challenge, when the temperature was 96 degrees and the dewpoint was 71. It was a tough day to run at top speed.
What was your best run?
My best run would have to be the 2019 Mohawk Hudson Half Marathon. I was training hard for the month of August and September, and I was really pleased with the outcome.
What race are you currently training for?
I am training for the Helderberg to Hudson Half Marathon now postponed until August 29. I had an amazing time running this race in 2019, the inaugural year. It is very scenic along the rail trail, and a well-organized and fun race.
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
I would like to run my first marathon in 2020. I haven’t narrowed in on a particular race, but COVID-19 may render that moot.
Why do you run?
I run because I love it. I love the days alone where I problem solve and enjoy the movement, I love the days running with friends, talking about podcasts, parenting, what we are going to eat when we’re done...I actually am amazed at what the human body can do and just how far your two legs can go.
What runner inspires you?
Famous: Des Linden. She is tough, she knows it’s about showing up and she loves the sport for what it is. Local: Ken Klemp & Martha DeGrazia. Ken & Martha have been running for so long and still know how to make a run fun but also still push themselves and put in serious miles. They have been able to be a part of the sport for years. I hope that’s something I’ll be able to do.
What was your worst run?
Local Marathon 2017. I later found out that I had torn my meniscus in June and had kept running all summer. It was horrid. I made it to mile 19 of the marathon and couldn’t deal with the pain any longer and DNF’d. Most of the workouts that summer were incredibly painful but dropping out of the marathon was my final admission that something was wrong. I finally went to the Dr and had an MRI after that race.
What was your best run?
Philly 2019. I set an aggressive goal after not being happy with my results at the local marathon in October. I had six weeks to get back in shape and ready for a second marathon. I took a week to recover and went straight into training. Not only was I going to try to run the marathon at least three minutes faster than I did in October, but I was going to run the half marathon the Saturday the day before. I decided to approach the race like I had for my only 20 miler between marathons. Basically, a very long work out. In the end I hit my goal time by over a minute with a bathroom stop! The difference between the two races was so huge. In October I was dragging myself to the finish line. In November I wasn’t quite crossing with a smile, but I was extremely happy and was so elated that I hit my goal time.
What race are you currently training for?
I was training for Boston. But now I’m just training to be ready to do something in May or June if the opportunity comes up. Honestly, I race to train. I love getting my workout plan and I love being afraid of the challenge of the hard workouts and planning the long runs.
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
I still haven’t done a 50 miler and maybe one day I will do something even longer but right now I am focusing on the marathon. I don’t have a specific race in mind but need it to be local since I don’t like to fly.
Why do you run?
Right now I run to map streets. I'm working on running every street in Albany as inspired by Dallas DeVries and Ken Tarullo. Also, I run to get faster.
What runner inspires you?
Dallas and Ken for fun, Lionel Sanders for getting faster. If you want to see a battle of runners go watch the 2019 Challenge Daytona run battle.
What was your worst run?
My first marathon I knew I was in trouble at mile 8. That was hell on earth. My most recent Ironman marathon was probably my most disappointing as I slowly blew up and watched my A goal disappear in front of me.
What was your best run?
Philly Marathon 2016 or 70.3 Indian Wells run. Perfectly executed runs, both of them.
What race are you currently training for?
Nothing running, just focused on Ironman Barcelona this year. Might consider picking up a marathon somewhere if I can to lower my BQ time for 2021.
What race is #1 on your bucket list?
I'd really love to go long and run a 100 miler. Leadville is top on that list but I'd have to put in a lot of work before I'd consider signing up. I wouldn't want to waste the prestige of that race on a half-assed attempt.