Helderberg to Hudson Half Marathon: Race Data and Reviews

by HMRRC Runners

Dan Lennon, winner, with Josh Merlis on bike

Overall Results  •  Age Group Results  •  Awards  •  Team Scores  

Michelle Merlis

Running the inaugural Helderberg to Hudson Half Marathon was incredibly inspiring! Having witnessed this event from the moment it was a mere idea to it's successful execution certainly makes you appreciate the logistics behind a large event. Moreover, on a more personal level, I loved watching Josh pour his heart into this event. It's clear that he has a true passion for what he does. On race day itself, my favorite aspect was the community support and seeing so many spectators cheering everyone on along the rail trail. I can't wait to take part it in again!

[Ed. Note: Michelle also gave a seminar and conducted a 3 Mile Shake-out Run on Rail Trail.]

Alex Perry

Overall besides some issues with the timing of the shuttle but it was a well run big event with a local community feel. The ARE put a lot of thought into the smallest details including a super cool and unique finishers’ medals and post race meal that even accommodated those with specific dietary needs.  The course was fast and well marked as promised.  A great addition to the already wide variety of quality events in the Capital Region!

Colleen Schermerhorn-Murray

Helderberg Half - Such a fun race and well organized event - this was one of my favorite races I’ve run ... fast course, lots of friends, excellent support and post race amenities! This rivaled Boston with the updates and information sent by the race director. I will keep this on my race schedule as a to-do race on an annual basis ! Oh, and the chair for my age group award was definitely a cool idea!

LoriJon Kingsley

Loved it! Fantastic course! I really hope that they can move more on the path toward the end (in the future) instead of the road.

I must say that the crowds were so fantastic and I LOVED the signs/quotes along the way that people wrote! My favorite was: I trained 4 months to hold this sign!

Thomas Denham

I want to express my gratitude to Josh, everyone at ARE and the dozens of volunteers for an extremely well organized inaugural half marathon. I simply can’t imagine all the time and coordination that went into pulling this off! It was a phenomenal race and a wonderful community event. You made so many people happy today. I even got a PR! Thank you!!!

David Roy

I really enjoyed the Helderberg Half. I prefer trail running to road races but this had the best of both. There was enough road running at the start to thin out the crowd before hitting the trail. While it was still a paved surface, it was great to be running through trees and along streams. If you wanted a PR, this was the course, downhill and great footing, miles marked! One of the best races in the area!

Anthony Giuliano

Was a great morning, perfect weather. I thought it a was a well-organized race and hope to do it again in the future. Just missed my PR by 4 seconds, other than that it was a great morning!

Ben Heller

Overall it was a great experience. This was the major winter/spring goal for me. It was a fast course and a great day for me. Achieved an almost 2 minute PR!

TJ with Mike Langevin on right

TJ Sherwin

It was a great race. Smooth rail trail. But the end had a lot of turns!

Chris is on the left

Chris Rusc

NEW PR ALERT!! Third half marathon in the books!! What a well-organized event, which was even better with 2,200+ of your closest friends. The Helderberg to Hudson Half has it all. Some ups. Long downs. Humidity. And cake at the finish. Finished in 1:41:25 @ 7:45 pace? Lots of great crowd support; and the weather...let’s say that for April, it was way too warm and muggy. Legs were screaming around mile 9.5. All mental after that. Congrats to everyone who ran and thanks for all of the support. Could not have done it without ya! 

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