HMRRC Annual Meeting on September 12

HMRRC's annual membership meeting will be held at 6:00 pm on Wednesday, September 12, at the Orchard Tavern (68 North Manning Blvd., Albany). The meeting agenda includes:

  • Election of Officers and Directors.-- The election committee has proposed the following slate:

President: Frank Broderick
Executive Vice President: Jessica Northan
Treasurer: Jonathan Golden
Race Committee Treasurer: Ravi Chauhan
At-large Director: Maureen Cox

  • Approval of proposed changes to the bylaws.-- Click here to see the bylaws with proposed changes in red. Highlights include: modifying the terms of office of the two club treasurers so that they are elected in different years (as opposed to at the same time as currently); adding two additional at-large directors to the board; and clarifying the role of the president with respect to approving contracts.
  • President's Annual Report.-- Ray Newkirk will report on the state of the club.

The club will provide refreshments (food and soft drinks).

Plan on being there to play a part in the governance of your club!!

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